Sunday, April 19, 2015

I'm Baaaack

So much has changed in the last...shoot, I don't even know how many months it's been! It's almost midnight, so I'm going to make this quick.
Quick rundown:
-We moved
-We bought a HOUSE!Yes, a real HOUSE. Never thought that would be possible. Woo!
-Our son is talking/counting/singing like crazy
-We may be moving again with a new job opportunity
-I've FINALLY started working out again with weightlifting at my local Gold's and just started doing Piyo at home. Holy crap, that's freaking HARD. Chalene, you are craaaazy. I don't know how she stays so peppy during these videos. Haha!

Oh and one more thing. I've decided to share three things I'm grateful for with each post and share it with all of you. Here they are:
-I'm so grateful for my body exactly the way it is. It's not "perfect," then again, perfection is an illusion. It's exactly the way it needs to be in this moment.
-I'm so grateful for my son. He is the absolute light of my life and reminds me to not take life so seriously and see all the awe and wonder in the world.
-I'm so grateful for the internet. I find out the weirdest/coolest stuff. It's awesome!

So that's it for now! When it's not such an ungodly hour, I'll go more in depth. So excited for the future!!