Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Awkward Red Hives

FINALLY did something that I've been having maaaajor anxiety about. I told my supervisor all the things that suck about my job.. Not complaining, not bitching and moaning, just told him the things that pushed me over the edge to realize this isn't he job for me. 

As I was telling him all of this, I literally broke out in hives and felt my face burning up and getting itchy. What can I say? I'm an open book...I'm not what you would call "awesome" at hiding my emotions. 

Anyway, we had a great talk, and I finally let go of a bunch of pent up feelings about the way leadership does things. At the end of it all, he actually APPRECIATED my feedback and told me that I do a great job, and he's really disappointed that they're losing me. 

Moral of the story: don't wait until you're at your wit's end to speak your mind! I'm super stoked to be moving on: discovering my dream job while raising my son and all my other future babies. 

Oh and PS...I'm about to be debt-free (apart from my car) in 3 months. HOLLLLAAAAA

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ramit and Ramsey

I have almost $23,000 in debt. Two of my three credit cards have an APR of about 23%. I pay almost $1000 towards my debt each month. Today is also the first day of my 21 day sugar detox that I'm doing with my best friend and my mom, and I've eaten fries, almost an entire chocolate bar, and 4 or 5 cookies.

So...not the best way to start off all my epic (ughhh, I HATE that word) goals for the new year, but hey now! Rather than waiting until the next day to start over, I'm going to start right this second, and that's perfect timing because out of nowhere I have become enthralled with paying off my debt as quickly as possible, with drinking TONS of water, and with working out on the daily.

Although it may seem like I've already let my "New Year's Resolutions" disappear in the first week of January like most people, I've actually just decided to start on the second week January.

I've been following Ramit Sethi's blog www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com and recently came across ol' Dave Ramsey's blog again.
I remember coming across Dave Ramsey a loooong time ago and thought that he was crazy. It's impossible to pay for a house with cash! That's ridiculous. I don't need a budget. I don't have "serious" debt, so what is the point of reading this old guy's blog about money. I'm fine. Psh, old people problems.

Then I came across Ramit in some email blast talking about his book aptly named I Will Teach You to Be Rich. I remember thinking that it was probably some cheesy self-help book with an even cheesier yellow cover. Laaaaame.  And now, here I am just a few years later at the ripe age of 23. I have an awesome husband, a beautiful baby, and some not-so-great DEBT. I don't remember how I even got involved with Ramit's or Dave's blogs again, but man-oh-man am I glad that I did.

Just from the few things that I've picked up, I am becoming so inspired, and for once in my life I am actually DOING something. I should be debt free in 8 months (I will keep you posted), I'm sticking to a diet and workout plan to get my post-baby bod in the best shape it has ever been in (stretch-marks and all), I'm scheduling time to get things done AND getting them done, I'm realizing that I am a huge nerd that loves self-help books and that there are others like me out there, and so much more.

Maybe it's just the newness of the New Year, but I feel refreshed and revived. I'm making major changes to how I live my life, and I'm so looking forward to reaping those benefits.