Monday, December 9, 2013

No Poo was Just the Beginning

 As soon as he said that, I cringed knowing instinctively that not only should I, but I HAVE to start a blog because it's one of those things that I really, really, REALLY do NOT want to do.

 Apparently back in August of 2010 I did the same thing. My whole line was about how it was the second day that I had not used shampoo. Very cheap and free of harsh chemicals, which is perfect for me because I am, in many regards, a cheapskate and somewhat of a hippy (at least that's what my coworkers, husband, friends, and family tell me).

Yummo! On top of the white gunk, I got really frizzy, static-y hair and more split-ends.

Then there was that one time where I just completely stopped washing my hair for about six weeks. I used to wash my hair every morning (and sometimes every night) and still ended up with a greasy mop by noon.

That was one interesting experience. Shocking, I know. When I finally DID get my hair washed, I did it at a hair salon. She probably had to force down her gag reflex as soon as she touched my head. I thought I was so clever telling her that I had just gotten done working out…HA. Yeah, totally had her fooled…right?

These days, I actually do shampoo my hair, but it's usually once a week, and I make sure I use a sulfate/paraben/gluten(?!)-free shampoo that I get from the supermarket for very cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap! Since I'm currently trying to make more money, save more money, and pay off more debt, I'm waiting to make a big hair care purchase: The Moroccan Method Shampoo set for about…I want to say $60ish.

Well, that's all for now. Are you?  Does it feel as deliciously awkward to you as it does to me? But if not, just grab some almond butter and put that on your apple slices and eat them. Toodaloo!